Second Call for Sites ran from Monday 9 January to Monday 6 March 2023

Our Second Call for Sites ran from Monday 9 January to Monday 6 March 2023 alongside our Issues and Options Consultation.

Sites submitted during the second call for sites are currently being processed. These will be published on the interactive map in due course.

As well as setting out planning policies that will apply to development proposals, the South Warwickshire Local Plan will also meet development needs by identifying new sites for development and protecting existing sites, as appropriate. To help identify land for development a ‘Call for Sites’ is used. This allows landowners and promoters to submit land/sites to us which will be assessed, and as appropriate considered in the plan-making process. Sites deemed suitable may then be allocated in the plan.

A Second Call for Sites

A second ‘Call for Sites’ exercise ran simultaneously to the Issues and Options consultation. We are seeking sites for a range of uses to support the objectives of the emerging SWLP. Sites submitted in this second Call for Sites should not duplicate previous submissions which are already recorded on the interactive map. Only in the instance of alterations to the site boundary or the proposed use, should sites be re-submitted.

We are especially keen to attract sites which would support one or more of the spatial growth options within this document, and sites which could support the transition to Net Zero, such as sites which could be used for renewable energy generation.

Food Caddy Bins Yuck !

Well the poor old dog has gone without his treats for a week and all left over food put in the Food Caddie. Put it this way I wont be using it again and the dog can continue to have the leftovers. I am no Domestic Godess and dont mind getting my hands dirty. But the Food Caddy is one step too far.

What I do mind is putting left over food in a plastic container, for it to go off completely, start smelling, going mouldy and become a breeding ground for all sorts of nasty things.

The thought of someone having to empty it makes me cringe and I hope they get danger money whilst emptying the District food caddies. What makes me cringe even more is the flipping thing being emptied and me having to bring it back into the house and wash and disinfect it in my kitchen.

I really don’t know how people without compost heaps or spoilt 4 legged tail wagging friends cope. It may not be so bad in the winter when its cooler but the thought of maggots, flies and slimey rancid food really make me go YUCK.

Sorry Food Caddy bins are not for me. I tried it for a week.